Combating hair fall has become a common problem for both men and women. People complain about premature balding and extreme hair falls irrespective of age. The problem that starts with small amounts of hair falling takes into a larger shape in no time. Thus, it gets hard to find a way to stop the process. Transplanting the hair in bald patches is an effective way. But many are still in doubt about the various effects of the process. Among these, the primary concern is whether transplantation is painful.
Know in details
With the advancing medical facilities, the transplantation methods have also improved. You will obtain a fair idea about the multiple ways by connecting to a Hair Transplant Clinic in Bhubaneswar. Leading clinics offer effective transplanting solutions without any side effects. You get a scar-free treatment if the surgeon is an expert in the field. If you do not have the guidance of an expert medical expert, there are chances that the process will turn out highly painful.
Type of transplant
Before getting into the pain factor, first know the types of transplantation that you can undergo. Any renowned Hair Transplant Clinic In Bhubaneswar having proper medical infrastructure offers both FUE and FUT. These are distinct methods that the doctors apply to restore the hair follicles on the bald patches. Know the methods better and eliminate the fears associated with the whole process.
FUE: In follicular unit extraction, the surgeon extracts individual hair follicles from the back of the head. Each of the extracted follicles gets placed on the areas where you need restoration. It is painful while making holes in the recipient area, but it is not unbearable. With proper medical management, the pain fades away in a short period.

FUT: Follicular unit transplantation involves cutting of skin from the posterior part of the head. After cutting the strips, the incision needs to get stitched. It makes the process a bit painful, but you will not feel much pain with the associated preventive measures. Medication and anaesthesia bring the pain within control. Thus, there is no need to get afraid about the pain.

Managing the pain after surgery is easy if you follow the medical guidelines. The soreness in the scalp is natural, but it will go away with the dosage of anti-inflammatories. Analgesics and antibiotics that the doctor prescribes promote a quicker recovery. With careful handling, the pain that you feel fades away in a short period.
Guidelines to maintain
The process gets more painful if you do not follow the right guidelines. It increases the chances of infection for which you can experience triggering pain. The clinic you chose also plays a prominent role in managing the pain. If the infrastructure and treating methods are not up to the mark, you may experience a triggering pain. Thus, choose the best clinic where the chances of achieving the desired outcome are maximum.
Final note
The closing advice would be to evaluate the process well before undergoing it. Having a clarified idea about the methods will help you understand the pain factor. For this, the clinic plays a crucial role in handling all the essentialities rightly.