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Neck lift

A neck lift, also known as lower rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to address signs of aging in the neck area. This procedure focuses on tightening loose skin, reducing excess fat, and improving the overall contour of the neck. A neck lift can be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with a facelift for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation

  1. Excess Skin Removal: The surgeon trims away excess skin to reduce sagging and create a more lifted appearance.

  2. Tissue Tightening: The underlying facial tissues are often repositioned and tightened to improve facial contours.

  3. Fat Repositioning: In some cases, fat may be redistributed or added to areas where volume has been lost.

  4. Incisions: Incisions are usually made along the hairline and around the ears to minimize visible scarring. The extent and pattern of incisions can vary depending on the specific technique used.

  5. Recovery: Recovery time can vary, but patients typically experience swelling and bruising for a period of time. Strenuous activities should be avoided during the initial stages of recovery.

  6. Muscle laxity: Tightening the underlying muscles can improve the definition of the neck.

  7. Fat deposits: Addressing excess fat can create a more refined and sculpted neck.

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