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Breast Implant Choices (Brands)

Choosing the right breast implant involves decisions regarding shape, size, and content. It's important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized recommendations based on your body type, goals, and overall health.Please note that regulatory approvals, available implant options, and the reputation of manufacturers may change over time. Always ensure that the implants used by your surgeon are approved by relevant health authorities and have a good safety record.

Implant Shape:

  • Round Implants: These implants are symmetrical and provide a full appearance. They are a common choice and can achieve a natural look when positioned properly.

  • Teardrop (Anatomical) Implants: Mimic the natural slope of the breast, with more fullness at the bottom. They are designed to provide a more natural-looking result, especially in patients with minimal breast tissue.

Implant Content:

  • Silicone Gel Implants:

  • Advantages: Tend to feel more natural and have a lower risk of rippling.

  • Considerations: Regular monitoring is recommended, and ruptures may be harder to detect without regular imaging.

  • FDA-Approved: Approved for cosmetic use in most women over the age of 22.

Saline Implants:

  • Advantages: If ruptured, saline is harmlessly absorbed by the body. Adjustments can be made post-surgery.

  • Considerations: May have a less natural feel compared to silicone. Ruptures are easily detectable.

  • FDA-Approved: Approved for cosmetic use in most women over the age of 18.

Structured (Form-Stable or "Gummy Bear") Implants:

  • Advantages: Maintain shape well, providing a natural look and feel. Less risk of leakage.

  • Considerations: Requires a longer incision. Regular monitoring is still necessary.

  • FDA-Approved: Approved for cosmetic use in most women over the age of 22.

Implant Size:

  • Body Proportion: Consider your body's proportions and the overall look you want to achieve.

  • Surgeon's Recommendation: Rely on your surgeon's expertise to help determine an appropriate size based on your anatomy.

Implant Profile:

  • Low Profile: Wider base with less projection. Suitable for a more natural look.

  • Moderate Profile: Balance between natural and enhanced projection.

  • High Profile: Narrower base with more projection. Provides a fuller and rounder appearance.

Surgical Approach:

  • Incision Location: Discuss incision options with your surgeon, such as under the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit.

  • Placement: Implants can be placed either above or below the chest muscle, depending on factors like body type and desired outcome.

  • Personal Goals and Lifestyle:

  • Lifestyle Factors: Consider your activity level, future plans (such as pregnancy), and overall lifestyle when choosing implants.

  • Realistic Expectations: Have realistic expectations about the outcomes and understand that breast implants are not lifetime devices.

Surgeon's Expertise:

  • Board-Certified Surgeon: Choose a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in breast augmentation.

  • Communication: Maintain open communication with your surgeon throughout the decision-making process.

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